Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Amelie has been long-registered to start preschool at Challenger school this coming fall, and she is anticipating it with excitement.  A few days ago, though, we got a flyer saying that the elementary school across the street will have free summer preschool for 3 weeks in June.  We thought why not - it's across the street, free, and just 3 weeks.  So we enrolled her, and yesterday was her first day.

She wore her favorite hearts outfit and a Dora backpack (which was kinda fitting since she was the only white kid in her class :) ) with a notebook, pencil and water. Halfway to school we had to check and make sure her pencil was ok.

She was so dang adorable all morning, and while walking there, she was singing a song about her first day of preschool.  Once we got to the school, we waited and had to have someone show us around back, and the whole time walking around back, she was just giggling to herself, and then said "I'm so excited!!!!" (Or maybe I'm so exciting, sometimes she says that instead.) 

When I picked her up, she was a Smiley Sue and sang all the way home, too.  I didn't get a ton by way of report, but she did say that she sat on orange on the rug, had goldfish for a snack and had to walk all the way around the school to play on the playground.  She can already recognize her name, though, even though literally half the class have names that begin with A.
Can't believe how grown up she is, not to mention cute!