Tuesday, March 27, 2012

3 x 3

Yesterday, we had our third OB appointment, our 16 weeker.

Small aside: for my first delivery, we used Dr. Brown, with whom, I was in love! Even though we switched insurance after Amelie, we still used her for Alisa. THEN, we got the out-of-network bills and decided we couldn't do that again. So, the third time I got pregnant, we went with another friend's recommendation and met with Dr. Gibson. Fortunately, I loved her! Unfortunately, we lost that pregnancy. So when we got pregnant the fourth time (this time) I was happy to schedule with Dr. Gibson again. I called, but was told she was still on maternity leave. Boo! I scheduled with some one in her practice for the first two, figuring I could go back to her and then at least I'd know someone else in the practice who could possibly deliver. Well, I met twice with Dr. Luikenaar, and it was just fine. When I told Dr. L's nurse I wanted my 3rd appt. with Dr. G, I totally got the cold shoulder. They really made me feel bad about wanting to switch back! I was starting to think I was silly for doing so - I mean, I'd never delivered with her or anything.

So, anyway, we had our first appointment with Dr. Gibson yesterday, and it made me feel great about my decision. She's very friendly, compassionate, huggy and really makes an effort to remember you-or at the very least do a good chart review before she comes in.
So, everything went well with the check up. My measurements are still on track, heartbeat was consistent and strong, and we got lots more appointments set up. We should be finding out gender in 3 weeks, so stay tuned for that!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A few firsts

You may notice by now, I like to take advantage of my blog by recording things I don't want to forget - whether they may interest you or not!

Two weeks ago, Amelie was asked to give the prayer in Primary, and I don't even know who helped her, but she did it and was proud! Last week, she wanted to get up and bear her testimony in sacrament meeting. I made sure to have her approve the things I would tell her to say while we were up there, and she did great! I was actually very impressed, she was articulate and loud. I mean, sometimes I can't even hear her when she prays at home, so good job, Amie! She is loving Primary and her teachers there. After church this past Sunday, she was sitting eating a snack and just singing primary songs (or her version) to her heart's content. I just love her!

Alisa is putting together 5 word sentences now - she is still hard to understand is you do not know her pronunciation of some words, but she has really surprised us with some complex phrases lately. (One of the funnier being "What's up with that?")

And finally, tonight, I felt our baby #3 move for the first time! It was great - 14.5 weeks is pretty early, but I concentrated hard, and I'm positive it was our new munchkin. So exciting!