Thursday, December 11, 2008

All Amie

This post is just a little update about Amelie Josephine and some pictures. (I should have posted this first-now no one will read down to the next post!) She's just under 8 weeks now, and 8 1/2 pounds. Finally, the size of a normal newborn. :) She just barely outgrew her first two premie outfits, haha. I even put a size 1 diaper on her today! It's a little big, but they do the job and I'm out of newborn size. We've taken to calling her Amie in play, and I love it, because that means "friend" in French-it's even the feminine version! I didn't even see that coming when we picked it!

Our Amie Jo has been busy! She can already hold her head up, turn over from front to back and has had a large barrage of big, real smiles! It is the most adorable thing you've ever seen, of course. She is so strong, everyone comments on it. Still little, but steadily gaining weight. She's trying valiantly to chub up, and it's working fairly well, but she keeps growing longer, too, and can't keep up!
To my delight, Amelie is sleeping at nights, now, too. She doesn't sleep all the way through the night, but hey-I have NO problem with a 3am feeding, if that's when I'm waking up and then we go back to bed!

Here are some of the cutest photos of Amelie.

LOVES that binkie!

At Daddy's graduation, being a good, quiet girl.

Love those tights!

Only gets her sleeping half of the time, darn it.

She hates this chair.

With hat and tennies, ready to go!

Even on the floor, she'll just curl right up.

I know Jeff hates this picture, but I think it's so adorable, the way she's snuggling up to him! She loves Daddy.

This is her favorite place to be.


The Miller Family said...


Your little Amie is just BEAUTIFUL!

I saw a picture of you on someone else's facebook account like 2 weeks ago, but it didn't have your last I was SO happy when I saw you on there, and especially when I saw your blog!

I love your blog! Your family is super guys look like you're doing really well! You'll have to fill me in on the 4 years or something, lol! I can't wait to catch up with you!

P.S. I just want to say that I'm TOTALLY jealous of your labor and delivery...and your small baby! I have 2 boys, my first was 9 12 at 38 weeks, and my second was 9 5 at 39 weeks (at least they're getting smaller though, lol). With my first, I had failure to prgoress and ended up with a c-section, and with my second, I had to push for 2 hours and 11 I'd take your 4 contractions in a heartbeat! - Seriously though, I'm so glad things went well for you! And you look so great for having a 2 month old!

Unknown said...

What a cute little girl!