Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My first clue....

...was that I kept catching every sickness that was going around.

My second clue was being exhausted, despite a reasonable amount of sleep.

My third clue was feeling sick to my stomach anytime I hadn't eaten anything, or ate too much.

The last clue before we buckled down, was increasingly frequent urination.

Any other excellent sleuths out there?


Jodi said...

Congratulations! Hope you are feeling okay.

The Miller Family said...

I was LITERALLY just reading your blog yesterday and thinking...I wonder when they're going to add a #3 to the family?!?! Congratulations North's!!!

Kate & Omar Spilsbury said...

Wow...I'm way behind now. I am happy for you guys!

Liz Walker said...

Really? Wow, that is so awesome! I am so happy for you, Nikki! I hope you are doing well and can keep after your two little gals while growing another little one.