Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Amelie: Lisie, if you're not whitening, you're yellowing!  (have you seen that toothpaste commercial?)

Nikki: It's the one from the window... to the wall...

Alisa: Oh, mommy, that was a good job!

Amie: Jack is sooooooo handsome. (classmate)
Amie: Mom, I was gonna marry Jack, but I also want to marry Kail (cousin) and I just don't know what to do!

Amie: Mom, I want to marry Carson when we're big.
(It's looking like we'll need to have a little clarification discussion when it comes to marriage.)
Lisie: (pointing to her mouth) Mom, candy wants this.

Amelie: I just can't stop loving you guys!!

Alisa: (waking up in the morning, after taking off her jammies) Bodies, bodies! My bodies came back!! (hugging herself)

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