Monday, April 21, 2008

Baby's first photo!

We finally had our first appointment this past week. It went really well, the doc says everything looks healthy and good so far. The baby's measurements showed that our date calculations were dead-on. Official due date, Nov. 5th. That baby was quite the active little bugger, literally doing somersaults throughout the ultrasound. We had an excellent picture there, but had a really hard time capturing a good one cause baby moved around so much! We did get one really good one I scanned. (We couldn't see the gender yet, but ever since then we've said "he." No idea why.) If you look close, s/he's on his head, with the flat bum at the top and a leg and foot sticking out to the right. There's a faint arm right above the head, too. It's all there!

We also got to hear the baby's heartbeat, too, and everything became much more real! Jeff and I are both really excited. (Though I think I may be most excited about getting near the end of my first trimester.... The nausea's finally eased up.)

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