Boy, has life gotten away with me.
My entire life has basically been the VA since the week school was out. My internship there has been fun and a lot of hard work. I am usually working through lunch every single day, so I tend to take some personal time in the mornings (like adding to my blog at 8:45 a.m.) I come home every single day exhausted and don't do much of anything on the evenings after I work. It has been good experience, though, and I have to say two very positive things about the VA. First, that they LOVE Rec. Therapy. I was trained to think that I would always, always, always have to advocate hard for myself, but not here. Second, that my intern supervisor and all the RT's here really believe in and empower me. Almost too much-I have quite a lot on my plate there right now. Between my work load there and being exhausted at home, I don't know WHEN I'm going to finish my capstone project! Maybe I won't graduate in August after all... :)
We did have our second prenatal appointment, but did not even have an ultrasound. We were told for sure, though, that our appointment on June 16th will include a look between the baby's legs (in those words.) We are antsy to know what the baby will be! In the meantime, baby's moving around, giving me funny kicks every day.
And in other news, my sister chopped off about 14 inches of my hair! You can sort of see it in one of my rafting pictures.
Jeff was notified about SLCPD. He is ranked 23 on a list of about 70 people that applied (way to go, Jeff!!) They are for sure hiring 20 right now, but may or may not need more. They will also continue to hire off of that list through the year. We keep praying! Again, though, Jeff stays totally busy looking for just the right job opportunity for him and our family.
He's also back in the online classes and I can't say that I am jealous. I do admire him, though, for being able to work all day and then come home and do school. I haven't been able to make that happen yet.
He is getting in some good practice for being a father as well-he's gonna be the best dad!
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