Friday, July 24, 2009

9 months! and 10 1/2 weeks!

I cannot believe my Amelie is 9 months old! She was supposed to go to the doctor this week, but we ended up taking her in last week. She had a red eye for days and we wanted to get it looked at-then we asked if they could do the whole shebang while we were already there. Luckily, they did. Since Amie wasn't acting sick, and wasn't pussing or anything, they first checked for a scratch. They put ultraviolet dye in her eye and turned on a blacklight. She was actually pretty good, and it was pretty cool to see. She just had a scratch on her eye that was healing by itself. She's doing well, of course. She's still in the high-30's, low-40's for height and weight. She actually moved UP the scale for head size-98th percentile! Poor little girl takes after her parents-shorty legs and giant head. As far as milestones, she's crawling like a maniac. Hands, and she pushes with her feet. She pulls up a lot, and cruises a little on the furniture. She tries to stand by herself without holding on, but it will definitely still be awhile. She says lots of dadada and mamama and ow and oh, but doesn't assign appropriate meanings to them, of course. She claps her hands whenever she sees others clapping or if you say "yay!" She still likes to try out her voice, and now has started trying out her facial expressions, too. Adorable! My favorite thing lately is when she's around dogs. At first, she was scared out of her wits! Now, after a little petting intervention, she doesn't cry, but anytime a dog is in the room, she stares at it and barks! It is so cute. She also has gotten quite adept at calling people on our cell phones, so if Jeff or I call you and say nothing... that's probably why. Apologies in advance.

And... I'm already almost 11 weeks along in pregnancy #2. Can't believe it-though it's much more tiring this time around, it's going by faster. Probably just cause I don't obsess over it as much as the first time. We had our first appointmenta few weeks ago, and with a stroke of luck we got to go back to our last doctor, Dr. Brown. She's crazy! But we love her. AND 2 of my other friends go to her. Plus, I want to deliver at IMC again, I really liked that hospital. Only a month or 2 before we can find out the gender! Anyway, here's the first (and only) picture of Brister so far. (Brother + Sister. Jeff came up with it...) Not as clear as Amie's, but still decipherable. The head is over to the right, and body bundled underneath.


Michelle T-C said...

What a beautiful girl and beautiful sepia and black smudge.

Grammy Lori said...

Dad is so excited he got to contribute to helping Amie get past her dog fears. She has the cutest little personality, we love having her around!

We are really looking forward to the brister!!!!