Oh my goodness, how time flies! Our little 5 lb. 14 oz. Amelie Josephine is now (over) 18 months old! She's still a little thing, weighing just 22 lbs at her last Dr. visit. She's a little whiz kid, and not only keeps us on our toes, but melts our hearts every day.
She is so cute with her sister. Even though she's not always as gentle as she should be, Amie is constantly giving her loves and wanting to hold her. (She has a sign for it-pulling up her sleeve and patting her forearm means she wants to hold Alisa.) She also has a sign for coat-it looks like she's trying to be a chicken. :) She is really starting to love the company of other kids, not that she didn't before, but now she can't get enough. We go to the park or store, and she'll just chat her little heart out with kids. Adults if she's in a great mood. She's still running and dancin' all over the place, and gets mad if she can't walk EVERYwhere we go. She loves to read books and like to try her little vocal chords out at church. She helps with clean up, and just started throwing away diapers (woo!)
She has begun to really really talk these days and seems to learn a new word every day! Here's a list-probably not too comprehensive, I forget them all.
Eat, ween (swing,) wee (slide,) coat, hi, bye bye, walk, chair, pee-yee (pretty,) burbie (birdie,) Barbie, baby, NO!, cheese, pop, cup, mama, dad, deeder (sister,) yeeshee (Lisie,) gama (grandma,) book, booger, butt (for diaper,) ow, bear bear (kiss it better,) cookie, EE-ette (Mewsette-a character in one of her favorite movies.) I know there are more, but that's what's coming to mind.
My favorite is actually bed time. We put on jammies, then brush teeth (which is a game for her,) then we read a story, and rock to a lullaby. She gets very snuggly and even gives a precious smile when you put her in her crib. Even when she seems amped up and resistant to bed, as soon as you put away the book, turn off the light and start singing, she puts her little (well big) head on your shoulder and often pats your back, too. Doesn't get much better than that!
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