Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ramblings and Reflections on my Job

I have been working for the University Hospital system for a year and a half now. I work PRN (stands for the Latin pro re nata, meaning they call me when they need me but I have no other regular schedule.) At the time I applied for the job, I wasn't even looking, we just happened to see it and thought "why not?" I started out working at 5 West, the acute psychiatric unit at the U Hospital, with medical component. (This just means that people who are really severe in their mental illness go there, or those with mental illness that still need to be in the main hospital for some other medical care.) I worked here for a few months before I noticed that UNI was also hiring PRN's. There are just 3 people I might cover for at 5W and didn't get a lot of work initially, so I decided to apply at UNI, too, and got hired. UNI stands for the University Neuropsychiatric Institute. This is also a short-term mental health facility, off the hospital campus, but is much larger than 5w and has a little more specialization between units, as well as some outpatient programs. There are also kids and teenagers at UNI.

I have really enjoyed these jobs for a few reasons. First, it required/allowed me to get my license and certification in order and to maintain them, so I won't be in trouble if I need them later. Second, this allows me to get out of the house, take a break from Spongebob, dress professionally, as well as feel like I am contributing something to my community. Third, it brings in just that little extra bit of cash. Fourth, I can have a job, not have to bring my kids to child care, and STILL get to see my husband sometimes. Fifth, I'm getting a pretty good sampling of different settings/populations and better learning where I might actually see myself working if/when I look for something more permanent. And finally, I love it because I never have to work if I don't want to, and I never have to try to bargain for time off. Overall, this is a very good thing.

There have been a few struggles. Being PRN, I sometimes get last-minute calls (ie, someone's sick) and I feel guilty when I can't say yes because of child care. Even the times I can say yes, I don't like running my girls off to someone if it's last minute, or if it feels like they're a burden. I especially hate leaving the girls with Jeff, right as he's gotten off of a ten hour graveyard shift. Not very often, but once in awhile, I wish I had more steady work (ie, more reliable money.) Sometimes I don't even get a paycheck. It's particularly rough when I have already accepted a shift, then Jeff gets called in to court. The randomness of the schedule can be hectic and even trying, but the benefits of a PRN job have far outweighed those downsides so far.

UNI is expanding its building, which will about double the capacity for patients. Most of the Expressive Therapists at UNI are full-time, but there are 2 PRN's that also have just a few regular days that they work to fill in the schedules. I have been debating for MANY months about whether or not I wanted to put out there the idea that I am free for regular hours as well. It would help take off some of the personal pressure to work other hours if I had scheduled hours, also eliminating some of the schedule conflicts and last-minute babysitting searches. I never said anything to my boss, cause I just couldn't decide, and recently, I had been leaning toward not even bringing it up. After all, I have always dreamed about and cherished the fact that my kids get to be at home with their mother. Well, just this past week, my boss emailed me saying that one of our full-timers was reducing her hours and they were looking for one person to always cover a 5-1/2 hour Friday schedule. I thought there was no way this fell into my lap coincidentally, and I love it when a tough decision makes itself for me, so I accepted. I never aspired to be a working mom, but there are a great many benefits to taking this set schedule, without the downsides of paying for childcare, leaving my kids without their parents, etc. For now, at least, Jeff will be able to be home with the girls for that time. (Even though he changes shifts a ton, most every shift he could get that he would want would also work out just fine with this schedule.)

So, with only a little bit of apprehension, I'm starting my new schedule tomorrow! Here's hoping I made the right decision...


Jodi said...

It sounds like a great opportunity. I have thought about something like that when I return, but finding like still allows you to be home and not sending children to childcare is difficult. So good luck! I hope everything works out well for you and your family!

Melissa said...

Congrats Nikki! That's awesome that you get a more regular schedule.