Friday, November 19, 2010

Potty-Training Chronicles, Vol. 2

I have to say, the past two days haven't been quite as successful on the potty training front. Amelie is still telling us when she has to pee, and still in love with wearing her princess panties, but has had an accident each today and yesterday. :(

I think, though, that the problem is full clothing. The first day she was running around bottom-less all day, and with panties and pants/skirt, she doesn't know quickly enough. Instead of running to the potty, she runs to me, and by the time I get her de-clothed, she's soaked.

Oh well-soldier on!


Jodi said...

Good luck, we are doing the same thing right now! I'll be glad when it is over!

freya said...

oh the joys of parenthood. it's all worth it in the end though!